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Kids Sound and Vibration Therapy

4th October from 4 - 4:30 pm presented by Sonja Hall

16.50 Australian dollars
AV, entrance Climbit Physio, 72 Robinson Ave, Belmont 6104

Service Description

This session is for children from the age of 5 to 17 years. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult and therefore requires their participation in the session. Purchase 1 ticket per child accompanying adult free **** What is it about: Children these days are highly intuitive and sensitive to their surroundings and while they should be carefree stress and pressure seems to affect our young ones more than ever before. Maybe a little stress sometimes is ok but too much can be harmful to our wellbeing. It is not always easy to recognize stress in children but it can show up as mood swings, change in appetite, sleep problems, bed wetting, acting out or even physical problems eg stomach aches, break outs etc. This sound session is laid out to give kids time to rest, be mindful, detoxify and aid in clear out stresses they may have experienced. *** What do expect: You and your child will be lying down next to each other and let the sound bath over you. If your child cannot lie still it is ok to sit up or move a little, however for safety reasons they are expected to stay on their mats throughout the session. The sound will be held throughout for 30 minutes. *** How it works: Sound are pressure waves that set out vibrations which propagate through a medium. These vibrations cause the medium such as air or water to produce sound. Our body consist 70% of water, therefore, to use sound as a therapy can be highly effective. It can aid in detoxifying our physical body, support the healing of any past injuries, and it does not just stop with the physical body it also can expand our conscious mind. The vibrations ignite our energies and clear out blockages so that our body can naturally alleviate symptoms of disharmony. I’m mainly using crystal singing bowls in these sessions as I find them highly effective due to the reason that our body in the most parts (like our bones, cells, even DNA) consist of a crystal structure, hence, our body resonate to the frequency of the crystal singing bowls. *** For your and your children comfort and safety please bring for each of you: - yoga mat, camping mattress, bean bag or anything to lie on - bottle of water, - 2x blankets (one to lay on and one to keep you warm) and - 2x pillows (one for your head and one to support your knees or feet) I also recommend to bring a cuddly toy or whatever makes them feel safe and comfortable

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Changes or cancellations: for Sound Session Events: - must be made more than 48 hours before the service event or your appointment. $5 cancellation fee will be applicable. Cancellations under 48 hours prior to event will result in 50 % of the fee payable to Sonja Hall. Cancellations under 24 hours prior to event cannot be refunded. Private Sound and Vibration Therapy Session Non refundable $ 50.00 deposit will apply Cancellations under 24 hours prior to your appointment cannot be refunded

Contact Details

Perth WA, Australia

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