Equinox outdoor Sound mediation
Sun, 20th March, at 17:30 hrs presented by Sonja Hall & Colleen Pearce
Service Description
There are two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length - Autumn and Spring equinox. Many of our ancestors celebrated lunar events - in pagan mythology, the equinox is called Mabon, or Second Harvest. It’s a time to give thanks for the summer and to pay tribute to the coming darkness. This is an opportunity for us to go within and honour all of that we are. Experience the beauty and benefits of sound therapy and let it bring you back to your centre point and awake as your true self. Colleen and I have both started our sound therapy training and worked together for many years in the past we came together again last year as Sound Fusion, however due to restrictions and everyone’s wellbeing we decided as a team to pause our indoor Sound Fusions until further notice. I feel a lot has changed since made this decision and I did lay low and delivered private sessions only. I also took the opportunity to go inwards a lot and this reminded me to why I have started my sound therapy training - it is so beneficial to mental and physical health no matter what we believe in. I feel now with everything going on in this world is the time where Sound and Vibration Therapy sessions are more needed than ever before. So we can create a new world and move forward with less anxieties, grief, detoxifying the body, feeling of loneliness and my absolute favourite part a sound healing session can help alter your mind and aid to escape stresses and a reality that can seem overwhelming. I decided to start running outside sound and vibration therapy sessions again with Colleen Pearce and other sound artists, which will incorporate 2 didge players. Your wellbeing is my number one priority and to allow our session to run safely we will at this stage run these sessions outside and ask everyone to observe social distancing before, during and after the session. We will smudge each person before the session, sage is known to have antiviral and antibacterial properties, offer you essential oils and then slip into our session as you sit or lie on Mother Earth and take in the magnificence of the natural world. For your comfort and safety please bring your own: - mat to lie or sit on such as: yoga mat, camping mattress, bean bag, chair - bottle of water, - blankets (to keep you warm) - pillow - bolster for lower back / knee support and we also recommend - something light to cover your face and - mozzie repellent

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Changes or cancellations: for Sound Session Events: - must be made more than 48 hours before the service event or your appointment. $5 cancellation fee will be applicable. Cancellations under 48 hours prior to event will result in 50 % of the fee payable to Sonja Hall. Cancellations under 24 hours prior to event cannot be refunded. Private Sound and Vibration Therapy Session Non refundable $ 50.00 deposit will apply Cancellations under 24 hours prior to your appointment cannot be refunded
Contact Details
Perth WA, Australia