Bundle Sound Fusion
Mon, 20th Dec, at Scarboro Surf Life Club Tue, 21st Dec, at outdoor
Service Description
Words from Dorothy Coe re these events: "Wow Sonja, these last two sessions for 2021 are a huge buzz for me. I’ve been preparing for these for a while, Firstly, we have our Session on Monday basking in the fullness of the moon, this is the perfect time for cleansing our being of all the stress 2021 has given and prepare ourselves to enjoy celebrating with friends and family. Our final session of the year couldn’t be any better!!! Summer Solstice 21.12.21 look at those numbers! 3.3.3 WOW! The number 3 is considered to be the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding. 3x3 is a powerforce. Number 9 is the number of love and faith, friendship, spirituality and unity. What a combination – Full Moon and Summer Solstice As I sat with this, offering prayer for so many I know who are suffering I was lifted beyond the physical and had profound experience. We really need to celebrate this time and share with as many as possible. I felt a beautiful flow of thick liquid Gold pouring through me, as I looked around all of us were vessels of this amazing Gold energy flowing in and out of us and covering the entire area around us. Every person in this space was receiving and soaking this Gold as though their bodies became blotting paper. – This session is about connecting with God, whomever we perceive God to be and allowing cleansing of all this year has thrown at us. We will be cleansed of the fears and pain of 2021 as we prepare to enter 2022. The Summer Solstice session the next day was beyond profound. This session is scheduled to be held in an outdoors environment with the night sky above. Here we were all lifted to connection with God, The Universe and all that is as we were filled with pure love. It is so appropriate that this session be outdoors. I was also shown what many may not want to see, the world is in crisis, everywhere we see natural and manmade disasters. Our world is gripped in a pandemic of epic proportion, so much death, so much grief, so " *** These events are not recommended for pregnant women in the first trimeste. *** For your comfort and safety please bring your own: - mat to lie or sit on on such as: yoga mat, camping mattress, bean bag, chair - bottle of water, - blankets (to keep you warm) and - pillows (one for your head) - bolster for lower back support, and also we recommend - something light to cover your face and - mozzie repellent (outside session)

Cancellation Policy
Changes or cancellations: for Sound Session Events: - must be made more than 48 hours before the service event or your appointment. $5 cancellation fee will be applicable. Cancellations under 48 hours prior to event will result in 50 % of the fee payable to Sonja Hall. Cancellations under 24 hours prior to event cannot be refunded. Private Sound and Vibration Therapy Session Non refundable $ 50.00 deposit will apply Cancellations under 24 hours prior to your appointment cannot be refunded
Contact Details
Perth WA, Australia